The Inertia of Despair. One of Great Tragedies of GDD. The Glow of Recovery. Successful Treatment
Two of the most motivated sufferers I know have told me, if someone really wanted to get treated, they would do whatever they had to do to get it done, to get treated- that is what they did, and they are largely better. Unfortunately that is not often the case, many sufferers fall into the state I call the inertia of despair. Many aspects of GDD conspire against sufferers, high of the list: brain fog; constant pain; loss of income; and the isolation of being not believed

by physicians and family (family based on what physicians have told them).
Many sufferers are trapped in the inertia of despair. Helping individuals with no hope has been one of the reasons that Gadolinium and other heavy metal Toxicities Treatment Research and Action Center nonprofit was created. The intention is to raise money for treatment of patients who do not have the funds necessary to get treatment. I have written before, how one of the failings of the US healthcare system is the lack of universal healthcare, which means individuals have to pay for the treatment themselves - and most do not have the money necessary. Secondary goals are to fund research and to fund action..
My hope is that individuals who have GDD and have sizable resources will support GadTTRAC, so that the legions of individuals wasting away, often alone, with GDD, can be treated and given their lives back. The glow of recovery. I believe many of these high worth sufferers actually do not know they have GDD, which is treatable and curable, but instead have been told that they have fibromyalgia, which is managed but not cured, or other similar types of disease names that describe symptoms but not the cause, such as CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome) and others that I have blogged on. So they themselves are wasting away, because they do not have the correct diagnosis or correct treatment. Individuals with means and possibly celebrity learning they have GDD and get treated and cured may be inspired to help many of the other sufferers who cannot help themselves by supporting GadTTRAC. At present all funds obtained will go to pay for patient care, covering essential costs of running business, and research costs. No one is receiving salary, as at this point everything done is with the intention of benefitting patients. This may also be relatively unique for a nonprofit.
Here is the link to GadTTRAC.
Richard Semelka, MD