Something old, something new. Email exchange on Gd and introducing Platinum

A number of blogs are stimulated from email exchanges. This is one of them. This includes old points, that are worth repeating, and some new ones.
Oldies but goodies:
In order to see Gd in brain on MRI a person needs basically to have undergone 5 doses of Omniscan MRI within the last 2 years. Other linear agents can also result in this but this requires about 10 for Magnevist and 20 for Multihance. So the chances of seeing anything on MRI that suggests Gd toxicity approaches 0%, realistically maybe 0.1% of GDD sufferers will show visibly evident Gd in brain on MRI presently, since Omniscan is rarely used now.
A non provoked (I use chelation so non chelated) urine test for Gd. If someone received 1 GBCA injection, beyond 3 months will be in the normal range, even in people with GDD.
this is different from Platinum. It appears spontaneous elimination continues for some time with Platinum, which may in part though reflect more Platinum is given with this chemotherapy agent, and is given much more regularly, than Gd in GBCAs. So it is possible to have a high non provoked urine test of Platinum and low for Gd, even in a patient who is not sick from Platinum but sick from Gd.
Now one important caveat. Once a person gets GDD from Gd, the other metals stored in their bodies can suddenly then also be part of the toxicity created. So it is conceivable that once Platinum did not create toxicity, now it does, as part of a Multi-heavy metal Deposition Disease.
Conservative treatment:
Pectin from fruits is always a good idea. Turmeric, cholerlla, spirulina are generally useful.