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Risk of Getting GDD from GBCA. Patient Characteristics. Comp Radiation risks CT

In earlier writings I have provided my estimate for GDD for all comers who undergo MRI with GBCA injection: 1 in 10,000 for mild GDD, and 1 in 100,000 for severe GDD. I have also described characteristics for individuals who are more (and less) likely to get GDD. This blog is now a more detailed refinement of relative risk.

As an aside, the concept is not much different from the relative risk for developing cancer following medical radiation exam (such as CT). For that BEIR VII quotes a 1 in 1,000 risk for cancer/malignancy in a 40 year old male receiving 10 mSv of radiation... but something like a 1 in 200 chance for developing cancer in a 1 year old female with the same radiation exposure. But in thinking deeply into the risks for GDD, it also causes me to think more about risks for radiation-induced cancer. The injury that leads to cancer generation in CT, and other medical radiation exposures, is a double-stranded (ds) DNA breaks. Ds- DNA breaks occur in everyone getting medical radiation, but in the normal state these get either rapidly repaired, or the injured cell with these breaks that persist gets devoured by immune cells.... So it does not take much insight to think: beyond age being important, there must be genetic variability between individuals in their capacity to either rapidly repair ds DNA breaks, or their immune cells to recognize when this has occurred and has not been adequately repaired to kill these cells....Killing defective cells in our body is a constant pursuit of immune cells. I am not aware of the estimated total body cell killing (autophagy) that goes on daily in our bodies, but it is likely in the 1000s (not 1 or 5). Does this means there has to be genes involved in dsDNA repair mechanisms and immune cell ability to recognize defective cells to destroy? I think yes. I will have to deal with this in a future blog.

Returning to GDD and relative risks for mild GDD: the highest risks, are female, white, age 16-55 years, multiple chemical sensitivities (MCSS, MCAS, other similar abnormalities), pre-existent autoimmune disease, insult at the time of MRI (extreme exercise to high potency antibiotic use). All these risks are additive and in my estimation if these are all added up the risk is in the range of 1 in 50.... this is real risk to pay attention to. Each one of these risks on their own change from 1 in 10,000 to a greater risk.

So for example being white 1 in 9000.

Being female 1 in 9000.

Being a white female 1 in 8000.


Be aware these are just my estimates from my 6 year experience with in depth analysis of world-wide patients - which is different than the 'truth'. Interestingly my estimates are likely much more accurate than anything written about COVID, COVID deaths, COVID Vaccines, COVID vaccine injuries, Masks, Mask benefits and risks.... I will address these subjects in an upcoming blog on Unintended Consequences.

Groups in lesser risk categories: the least likely to get GDD are Black males and East Asian males where their risk is more in the order of 1 in 100,000 for mild GDD.

The last piece of this puzzle is that there has to be gene for GDD. When that gene is found than risk estimates will be much more tailored and much more close to the actual reality.

Richard Semelka, MD



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