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Risk Benefit Analysis for Possible Prostate Cancer with Discussion of How to Manage a GBCA injection

This is another example fo a risk benefit analysis. Also how I manage this type of analysis I tell people what I would do in their situation. So this is not perfect knowledge about a perfect situation. I tell people what I would do as a world expert in Imaging safety, the world expert in GDD, and quite experienced with prostate MRI. So not perfect, but maybe as good as it gets.

Risk for GDD in you:

male (if white) risk for GDD perhaps 1 in 15,000 ... so worthwhile to undergo MR for a 'real risk' for prostate cancer. I would do this myself.

white male, long COVID or other chronic fatigue now your risk jumps up to in the range of 1 in 500 - 1 in 1000.

So at this point your risk for GDD is not an abstract but a real consideration.

In your situation with a real risk for a cancer that can be devastating (because higher grade possible) MRI of prostate with GBCA is among many experts in prostate considered the gold standard, you may have to bite the bullet and accept that risk.

That said you should be prepared before and after for the possibility of GDD.

Do not take high potency drugs that affect the immune system, lille antibiotics within a couple of weeks of MRI before or after.

Be medium well hydrated prior to MRI., Drink a fair amount of water for 2 days after MRI.

Mild walking after MRI. When resting have your feet up (1 o2 2 pillows under legs when lying down), for the 2 days after MRI. No strenuous exercise.

Eat anti-inflammatory foods that agree with you: blueberries, pineapple, are two examples I favor.

Supplements to consider quercetin with tumeric (curcumen), chlorella, spirulina, for 1 month.

Consider sauna, but do not undergo sauna if you do not sweat well, especially if you can't sweat after MRI, for 1 month. Start short exposure, and gradually increase length of time. I prefer standard sauna.

If you develop GDD afterwards contact me again. GDD after 1 GBCA exposure is highly treatable. Ultrashort start to chelation can be considered.

Best of luck,

Richard Semelka, MD.



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