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Perseverance:the Secret of all triumphs. Chelation and Gadolinium Deposition Disease.

This is a quote by Victor Hugo. He was applying it to everything. Amongst the everythings is chelation treatment for Gadolinium Deposition DIsease. This is a modification of a text I recently sent to a GDD sufferer. I am posting it because it applies to every GDD sufferer. It distills information from many blogs I have written, and the particulars apply to this individual but the principle applies to everyone. I will include foot notes as a separate blog, because they ended up being tooo many and too lengthy, and I did not want to diminish the impact of the below.

Many blogs I tell people to read 3 times. This blog read multiple times, and there are worse things to read every morning and every night, by which I also mean everything else you could read is less important to you than this.

You have two main problems:

  1. Digestive system. Gastroparesis. Hypotonic colon.

  2. GDD.

Now you likely have several lesser things (including why you got MRI in the first place). Their importance will be revealed after you have undergone a reasonable number of DTPA chelations. 10 is a good number. If some things remain untouched (by which I mean untouched) then at that point we look at figuring them out. But not before then.

You spend too much time thinking about what are down a number of other rabbit holes. The end result is you waste an enormous amount of time, which translates into an enormous amount of your life, where you are very sick. Especially tragic in the years that should be your best. We only live once.

You need to focus on dealing with the core problems, and doing them correctly.

We (by which I mean I) know exactly what you must do with chelation, using the best approach currently available, which also works very well.

Much of the digestive system problems are also related to GDD, but they may take some time, some number of chelations, to improve/ resolve. They may not completely resolve if they pre-existed the development of GDD, but they will improve. But they may take some time, some number of chelations, to resolve. In the meantime, if your colon is full of stagnant feces, and you are not able to defecate to any extent, then that is a hot house for some bacteria, that have the very real potential of making you very, very sick, affecting everything, including your brain. If you have tried powerful laxatives for several weeks, regularly, like magnesium citrate, and they have not worked, you need to get a colon cleansing, which may include disimpaction, to give your colon a fresh start. Return of colon peristalsis with chelation, won't be able to overcome dense impacted feces on your sigmoid colon and rectum, they may need to be physically removed/ disimpacted.

So you need to focus on chelation and stop being distracted by other things. The net result is you are doing nothing to get better, and wasting your life.

Perseverance is the secret of all triumphs.


Foot notes:

  1. substitute your other principle symptom that likely is related to the overarching GDD. So where I have written digestive system, cross it out and write in headache for example.

see follow-up blog for foot notes.

Richard Semelka, MD.


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