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Multisource Excess Oxidative Stress Syndrome. Encompasses Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome (MCSS) is a common underlying disorder for a number of individuals with GDD. Often it has no complicating effect, in a few it is complicating as it limits the number of medications and supplements that can be used to treat an individual, and also it may well complicate DTPA chelation with unusual complications. This is part of the 5% where DTPA chelation may not work.

There are however a number of additional individuals who have unusual, and at times extreme reactions to other actions affecting their bodies that are not chemicals. This includes excess sensitivity to RF radiation (of all kinds from cell phones, to communication towers to microwave ovens). Excess sensitivity to radiation from other sources, such as CT scans.

At this point it is not clear to me if this is an oxidative stress disorder, or if it is a cytokine disorder. Oxidative stress and cytokine disorder are ofcourse related. Oxidative stress is, like cytokines, an important process in the body, but they have to be in balance. Oxidative stress is generally the mechanism that is the last step in killing infections and tumors, but out of balance can damage the body as part of the process of immune mediated inflammatory diseases (IMIDs) or chronic inflammation. One of the principal means of cytokines causing cell death (ideally for infection and cancer) is through inducing oxidative stress.

Individuals who have MCSS are often thought of as kooks and having made up disease. The parent entity Multisource Excess Oxidative Stress Syndrome (MEOSS) include individuals who live in communes in remote areas because they cannot tolerate electromagnetic radiation. So whereas maybe 90% of individuals think that those with MCSS are kooks, approximately 99 % of individuals think MEOSS sufferers are kooks.

So how to prove MEOSS or if it is Multisource Excess Cytokine Syndrome exists. It may well require the most important of the Bradford Hill criteria (criteria that shows a disease is real), if repeat exposure causes a recurrence of symptoms... which likely none of the sufferers would want to be part of that experiment. So there should be recurrence or re-intensification of symptoms and for objective demonstration there should be a dynamic boost in pro-inflammatory or pre-fibrotic cytokines.

One advantage that GDD has compared to these other shunned diagnoses is that this most critical Bradford Hill is shown during the process of successful treatment: DTPA chelation. It happens all the time with DTPA chelation, and if HOPO is as effective as it should hopefully be, Flare will also occur with it. So effective treatment also serves to confirm the diagnosis. MCSS and MEOSS this Flare is not a byproduct of successful treatment, but simply a painful diagnostic measure, that may have long term detrimental properties.

One thing I learned from GDD, is to believe patients when they describe they have symptoms that most people don't experience, and most do not believe. At one time I thought individuals with MCSS were somewhat kooky, for several years I completely believe them. Now one step further, MEOSS, I am prepared to believe them. But how to confirm/establish the diagnosis and come up with treatment. Without treaatment many may have to live like hermits, shunning all aspects of modern life - and that I do not find acceptable.

Especially when no one believes them, and make them feel like they are kooks.

Richard Semelka, MD.



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