Larry Nassar Victims: Go After the Michigan State Faculty Hearing Committee
For individuals not in a University System it would not be clear who are responsible for bad things by bad people continuing to occur. For ground floor criminals, the supervisor, the chairman of the department the perp is in, ultimately is responsible. They should be aware of what is going on in their department, especially if it is a meaningful circumstance - circumstances that would have been associated with prior complaints. The captain goes down with the ship.
One under-the-radar group of individuals is the members of the Faculty Hearing Committee. When misconduct is brought to the attention of the university, the university has it brought to the Faculty Hearing Committee. The Faculty Hearing Committee is composed of individuals who understand very well what the university wants them to do, and they comply in. order to get promotions. For example going from Head of the Faculty Hearing Committee to the Chair of the Faculty because they did exactly what the university wanted them to do.
So essentially the Faculty Hearing Committee are composed of sycophants. In the case of Larry Nassar the Michigan State Faculty Hearing Committee reviewed the behavior of Larry Nassar, 2 years before he was finally caught. One young female reported his misconduct to the university, the Faculty Hearing Committee was brought in, reviewed what he did , and they interpreted that what he did, probe her genitalia, was medically appropriate. Shame on them. They would know what he did was misconduct, but at the time Nassar was the star of the faculty, so as devoted sycophants they did what the university wanted them to do. So they reviewed Nassar's behavior, before he encountered Aly Raiseman, and they considered it appropriate. Aly famous for saying if only one adult spoke up about Nassar she would never have encountered him (if just one adult listened and had the courage and character to act, this tragedy could have been avoided.). There were a number of adults on the Faculty Hearing Committee, not just one. They had the opportunity to evaluate the entire collection of his actions and treatments, and instead of describing them as abuse and that he should be removed from faculty and prosecuted by the legal system, they dutifully served the university as sycophants. They should be held to full account. Their misconduct is far more serious than the FBI agents, who have been focused on by the Nassar victims. Thats is because they would not have been aware of what the Faculty Hearing committee does > and the difference between what they should do and what they actually do. They protected the university by protecting Larry Nassar. These irresponsible sycophants should be held accountable.
Faculty Hearing Committees are dirty little secrets of sycophancy that universities use to masquerade that they are taking allegations of misconduct seriously. The Faculty Hearing Committee does what they know the university wants them to do. Go after those criminals.
Richard Semelka, MD.