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Is chelation really just a snow globe? We shake the Gd up, but it all just falls back and some lands somewhere else.. like your brain. Chelation is a snow globe hollow kettlebell.

Who doesn't like a snow globe.. You shake it up, small bits of white scatter around and then lie back down on the Statue of Liberty or Eiffel Tower, or some other tourist site. One trope that I have read nay- chelation sayers describe as what happens with chelation is that it is shaking the Gd up and the Gd is just falling back down to where it was before or worse. I like the image of a snow globe, and this analogy is quite true if you are using a weaker chelator (with low stability constant) with Gd, this is a frequent theme in my blogs. This is however not true in the fullest sense with the use of a potent chelator. For the snow globe crowd: how do you explain then Gd in urine being 20-60 or more times greater than it was before you shook the globe? It also appears that the most biologically active GD is removed when you use a bolus injection technique.

If we continue with the theme of a snow globe, and why not, it conjures an immediately apparent image.

Chelation for Gd with DTPA is like a snow globe kettlebell, where the handle is large bore tubing with particle vacuum suctioning into the tube, with a port trap, where the particles of snow globe matter can be removed from the system. The system then looks like a hollow kettlebell with a port trap.. For those who don't know, the kettlebell is used in cross fit training. With increasing effectiveness of a chelator, the diameter of the bore of the handle is larger, and the vacuum power to the trap door is more powerful. In contrast, weak chelators have a progressively smaller caliber hollow handle, to the point of no patent tube in very weak chelators. So poor chelators can act like a true snow globe. This can be very dangerous as they result in nearly pure redistribution. . Completely ineffective chelators are much safer, because the snow globe is not shaken at all. So no chelation but at the same time no redistribution. But then nothing is also done or changed.

So very effective chelators act like a hollow kettlebell snow globe, with a vacuum port trap..

Richard Semelka, MD


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