How Often Does DTPA + steroids/antihistamines Achieve Near-Cure Gadolinium Deposition Disease?

It is common that I am asked the question: how often does DTPA + steroids/ antihistamines achieve near-cure GDD. Maybe this is the most often question. It is difficult to answer, actually as this question for most other diseases is difficult/ impossible to answer.. That said, my answer is that near-cure does occur with GDD treated with DTPA + steroids. My opinion is GDD with minimal complications will experience a near-cure in essentially all patients provided enough chelation sessions are done and of secondary importance they are spaced 1-4 weeks apart, with 3 weeks generally optimal for most It helps (but not essential) they are treated only by me (not essential if a center does exactly as I do), and they have an upper limit of 50 chelations that they can undergo (cost is not an option).. This perfect situation however does not exist for most sufferers,
moist commonly, because sufferers have come from some distance, I offer them they can continue care close to home, so effectively I lose track of their care after 2 chelations, and exact oversight of their treatment. Close communication is also lost.
due to primarily cost consideration many individuals opt for stopping at a lower level of recovery. A number stop at 70% recovery.
baseline disease status complicates both the treatment and the final level of recovery. Recovery to pre-GDD may still be at a lower level of health.
The following notes are important:
On the other hand, treatment for GDD has a high level of effectiveness against many other underlying conditions patients have..
GDD with no or minimal complications generally follow the rule that for every GBCA injection,5 chelations results in near cure. With 1 GBCA that number may be higher, up to 10, with many GBCA injections that number may be lower than 5 times, it may be 4 times or lower the multiple of chelations/per GBCA injection.
Some complications appear to follow rules as well: back surgery, recent major surgery, physical disability at the time of start of chelation, that multiple may double or triple, so 1 GBCA injection may require 10 - 15.
GDD with multiple and significant complications, eg: severe and broad categories of Multisource excess oxidative stress syndrome (this entity is the umbrella for all sensitivities from chemical s to rf energy) the multiples for 1 GBCA injection may be 40 - 50 (hence my above mention that near cures can occur for nearly anyone if up to 50 chelations is at no cost to them (including travel). This introduces the issue that return to health means the treatment has had some effect on their baseline disease, so this is a difficult assessment, as baseline pre-GBCA health may have been terrible.
Effective chelation has to be done EXACTLY (with some wiggle room) as I do it.
GDD and chelation may uncage deleterious genetic or acquired diseases/abnormalities in 1 % of individuals.
So I have observed atleast 25-30% near cure; 50% cure to a level of 60- 70%; 20% minimal to no cure (the most common explanation is far too few chelations). 1% may have an underlying condition that chelation does not work or has a negative effect.
An important point to emphasize, is the feature of most patients with near-cure is perseverance through Flares, and continuation with chelation through atleast 80% recovery.
There may be no more obvious treatment for anything in medicine. If something in you is making you sick, get it out. Get it out in the cleanest and most efficient fashion. If getting it out causes reaction, then control the reaction in the best method available.
Richard Semelka, MD.