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GDD. Responses to multiple excellent questions from a woman planning for chelation, and with concerns.

Many of my blogs are stimulated from excellent questions GDD sufferers pose to me. Here is an excellent collection of questions recently asked of me.

  1. What is the probability that DTPA chelation will be successful in eliminating my worst symptoms (confusion, disorientation, memory issues, blurry vision)? The brain issues generally recover early (start getting better after chelation (3). Vision may take longer (8)

  2. How can I prepare myself for DTPA chelation? Eat healthy. Mild exercise.

  3. Based on my case approximately how many DTPA chelations do you think I would need? Hopefully not m,ore than 5, since you had just 1 GBCA injection. But this can be variable

  4. In your personal experience, what is the rough percentage of people who have GDD from Dotarem that see improvements with DTPA chelation? Everyone, done the way I do it.

  5. Are there indications that someone might not be a good candidate for DTPA chelation? My most recent blog talked about uncaged genetic defect. That is quite rare, maybe 1%

  6. Do you believe Dotarem is still fully intact in most people? I took iron, copper and/ or zinc 5 days after receiving Dotarem. Is it possible it transmelthylated? Dotarem I think is fully intact

  7. When gadolinium is chelated with DTPA can it be redistributed back into your brain? There is always some re-equil;oibration (not redistribution - but a little of this always occurs). The amount redistributed/re-equilibrated to brain is greatly less than the amount removed. But this is also why we do 5 chelation to prevent this happening and staying there.

  8. How does DTPA remove gadolinium from the brain?  Tugs it back into the circulation from extracellular spaces.

  9. Is it safe to do DTPA if you are anemic or have one mtfhr gene? Yes, but wise to try to improve anemia if possible. You should be taking methylated B6 and B12.

  10. Does the presence of gadolinium in the body interfere with the body's ability to absorb nutrition or deplete existing healthy levels of vitamins? (My B vitamins and iron are low.) Possibly yes, but I think this is not a big issue with GDD.

  11. Does DTPA extract minerals or vitamins from the body as it is extracting gadolinium? Does one need to increase their intake of other vitamins, minerals, electrolytes while going through the chelating treatments? Best is to eat and healthy diet. Some people I suggest to take Mg supplement. Daily vitamins with minerals never hurts

  12. Will taking iron, copper or zinc supplements after chelation transmethylate the gadolinium? How long after each chelation treatment can I take these supplements? I recommend no supplements 3 days before and 3 days after chelation. If we give you Zn-DTPA no Zn supplements till well after finishing the last chelation that you get.

  13. Do you have a chelation protocol for sensitive patients? Yes

  14. What is the percentage of people that do not respond well to DTPA chelation? 1-5%, but stopping because you are frightened of the Flare does not count as a failure of treatment, but failure of the part of the patient and/or how the chelation was done.

  15. After receiving DTPA, how do you know a flare response will end or do you have to continue chelation until the flare subsides? We do highly tailored chelation. Flares don't last longer than 4 days usually. The treatment for re-equilibration Flare is the next chelation.

  16. Can DTPA permanently relocate the gadolinium into organ and tissues? Does DTPA chelation damage the kidneys? No and no.

  17. Can you please send me the list of potential side effects of DTPA chelation?  Are there any long term side effects? Flare reaction of your original symptoms, and uncommonly Flare of other symptoms. Read what I write on symptoms of GDD.

  18. Do you think it is safe to have a child after GDD or DTPA chelation? I would recommend waiting at least 3 months after the last chelation before trying to conceive another child.

Richard Semelka, MD



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