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GDD: Derealization and Depersonalization as Manifestations of Cognitive Impairment.

Brain fog is the cognitive impairment that is most often focused on and described for GDD. But there are many other cognitive impairments.

Depression is probably the most common mental health affliction, also both directly from toxic Gd effect, and indirectly related to mental anguish from having this at times devastating disease, often compounded by the fact that no one believes they are sick, not doctors, and not family members (often secondary to what the doctors have said).

One mental health aberration that tends to avoid discovery or mention (including by me) is the sense of derealization and depersonalization. Basically this describes that you do not feel you are the person that you have become - somehow this is a different person. And related to this is the sense that the reality that you are feeling does not correspond to what you sense the true reality is: what you are feeling is not reality.

So these psychological manifestations are often overlooked. But add them to the list of findings of cognitive impairment in GDD.

Richard Semelka, MD


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