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Gd chelation, too much and too quickly. How to get out of the Gd downward spiral of Removal Flare and Re-equilibration Flare. Another Goldilocks pinciple.

Perhaps one of the most important principles of all, is the Goldilocks principle: Not too much, not too little, just right. True of everything, true in politics, true in health. I have addressed this subject a few times, but it a recurrent theme and important to repeat: This is a recent response of a number similar that I send to GDD sufferers.

I think you have been mobilizing too much Gd if you are doing closely spaced Ca-DTPA. Thern removal Flare and re-equilibration Flare become blurred together.I think the best way to get out of the uncertain combo is to space chelation 2-3 weeks apart, and do the next couple with just 1/2 dose Ca-DTPA. So you are removing Gd, but not too much to incite severe Gd removal Flare, and you are re-capturing just enough 'Gd in motion', to combat re-equilibration Flare.

The above is essential in individuals who have received > 5 GCA injections, simply because both Flares can be enormous, so you have to calm them both down with the middle road. With now enormous experience it is actually the re-equilibrium Flare that I am most worried about in most individuals.

Now, individuals who have received just 1 GBCA injection and have mild to moderate disease they have the additional path that also relies on age-old wisdom:

In Chinese: the philosophical principle of Wu Wei.

Wu Wei: the active pursuit of doing nothing

Especially if a person has also undergone a number of chelations a person with mild moderate disease and having received one, maybe up to 3 GBCA injections, and the Gd body burden is reduced. there is now not much Gd that is being removed, and therefore also not much Gd that is being re-equilibrated. So you have the additional route of doing nothing. Successful doing nothing may rely on the occasional use of low dose methylprednisolone. Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) is an additional consideration.

The other thing true for many forms of human disease is the important of healthy food and mild exercise.

The trident of important concepts for everything in life, but I am focused in this blog on GDD:

Goldilocks, Wu Wei, Healthy food and mild exercise.

Richard Semelka, MD



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