Functional Genomics Analysis. Examination if there are consistent epigenetic, inflammogen, and other gene-related features consistent across GDD sufferers, Blog 2.

I am creating a second blog on this subject. In my estimation this genomic analysis may provide extremely useful information for the individual with disease. This should identify for example supplements that may benefit for you, and those that may not, and may also inform you if you are taking a harmful amount of supplements. My intention is that by identifying to Functional Genomics Analysis individuals who have GDD, by being identified by me, will see if there are features shared by everyone with GDD. This then would serve as objective evidence for GDD. The importance of this is enormous, in every way conceivable for a person with GDD. I cannot overstate the importance. Although I have to also accept, as do the GDD sufferers that they may all have individual findings that are not common across the group. This is the nature of true scientific research: there is uncertainty.
Read the prior blog as well.
Once you email me with the header I have described.. Many of these headers will be: FGA. GDD. CON. I forward this email to FGA. They add the individual to the grouping of subjects that come from me. This allows them to study the entire population of GDD, looking for common features that GDD subjects have that their data set of 60,000 or so normals, do not share. This is where the importance of how I have set this up comes in: all GDD data will be clustered together to try to identify markers for the condition. YOur data will not be shared with any other group. Only FGA and myself will have access to it. I hope that there will be information that can be published to advance the cause of GDD and Gadolnium toxicity (some other entities as well). This published data would be anonymous.
The prior blog did not identify the next step for you. After you send me the email that I forward to FGA, if you do not hear from me by email that there is a problem with your story, then 2 days after you send me that email, you will need to phone the company and pay by credit card $315 to have the kit sent to you. They will not reach out to you. You should also inform them that you are part of the Dr Semelka group. This is the phone number: , this charge is waived for patients sent in by me, as FGA also see the importance of identifying genomic consistency among a disease population of an Immune Mediated Inflammatory Disease.
The data is your data, so paying the $199 to speak to an expert at FGA, then you will learn about your specific findings and recommendations for you. I highly recommend you do this. They will interpret for you all the data that they have sent to you from your testing
In my opinion this is likely of significant importance for you as an individual, and for all GDD sufferers based on the collective data.. If you have emailed me the FGA email, and I have not emailed you back to phone Tree of Life Health, 717-733-2003. This blog also is your notice to do that.
Richard Semelka,MD