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GDD and underlying Epigenetics and Inflammogens. A new investigation together with Functional Genomics Analysis. Contact Dr. Semelka if interested

(See Instructions Below).

Together with Sean McCloy MD, MPH, we delivered a major presentation on GDD and therapy at the recent annual meeting of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine in San Antonio. To be frank, 37 years practicing in medicine and I had never heard of them before, several months ago when Dr McCloy made this arrangement. Now I realize that these are my people, and I became a member of the organization.

That said, I listened to essentially the entire meeting, which I am not sure I have ever done that before, and developed some interesting and important contacts with relevance to GDD and other immune mediated inflammatory diseases (IMID). I include everything in IMID such as MCAS, autoimmune diseases, chronic inflammatory syndrome, stiff person disease, and 50 or so additional odd-ball diseases that are metabolic, and this includes if you are very metabolically sick but don't have a formal diagnosis.

I have been focused on the genetics of GDD for essentially the entire time I have been aware of the entity, so atleast 8 years. The team at Functional Genomic Analysis (FGA) under the leadership of Dr Robert Miller have developed a saliva (spit test) that can analyze many elements of the genetics of disease like GDD, including evaluation of supplements that can be helpful, or detrimental if taken too much. Dr Miller has agreed to work together with me to analyze this group. We are just now in the set up phase of this examination.

How this will work. Individuals will contact me with the header: FGA, (their name), GDD, Con. Con signifying they have already consulted me. So all individuals who have consulted me in the past or chelated by me will be able to enter the study, with no additional charge from me. Since I have to vet patients into what they have, I will charge $40 to vet individuals who are unknown to me. It will take me time to evaluate their status (hence I have to charge). If the individual has GDD, a short description of their prior GBCA administration status, their symptoms, if they have 24 hr urine, or MR report showing their MR contrast agent, would suffice. If they have not had a GBCA injection but feel they have a known (or unknown) IMID they can also apply to me for entry. Their header would be FGA. their name. IMID, If they have lead or other heavy metal put in that heavy metal at the end: FGA, their name, Lead (for example, could be mercury, etc) I will only take a few in this category. Individuals who received a GBCA but are not sick from Gd could also apply. They would be FGA, their name, GSC.

There is an option for those who have not previously consulted me. Instead of the $40 payment to me to categorize them, they could instead join GadTTRAC as a member for a $50 annual membership fee. This would entail them to have entry into this study, and any other opportunity that arises within the year from me or GadTTRAC. Heads up, we are looking into Biomagnetism. If they do this then their header is FGA, their name, GTmember. Currently GadTTRAC is setting up their membership program. So you can reach out to them. It may be at this point you will make a $50 donation, but describe the donation as membership fee. Contact regarding this.


The email from those who have consulted me, not all are GDD, some are non GDD (we will call them IMID or the heavy metal they have)


For everyone, one email is sent to me with the following:. in the body of the email include full name, DOB, email address, ph number, mailing address. Their description: GDD/ IMID/ Lead, etc. I will then forward this email onto FGA.


Those where I have to assess their entry into the project, I will need two emails, The first email will be the brief documentation of their story. Note that if you pay either the $40 fee to me directly or join GadTTRAC for $50 you will gain entry into this examination, it is just a matter of how you will be categorized. Note at this point no one who is 'normal', that is not GDD, or not IMID, or not having received a GBCA injection, they should not apply as they will not be entered, and it is too costly and time-consuming for me to reimburse them once they pay.


This is now the FGA part:


The test is $315 but extra shipping costs for International. They would receive as part of the test access to many reports, including inflammasomes. If someone wants to do a one hour consultation for a personal review there is  an additional fee of $199.

Our analysis of the group genomics is performed at no charge, to see if we can find anything unique to them.


So note in the above that FGA will not charge for their analysis of your data. I am not sure how much of a saving this is, probably atleast $1,000, but if you are very sick it probably is priceless. I recommend the individual consultation. Although I may be the world authority on chelation, I am not an expert on their data of epigenetics. So their interpretation will be essential for you, and for me if you get chelation with me.


In summary, in my estimation this information will be invaluable to many individuals. To the present time I have primarily focused on relatively pure chelation therapy. This now opens the door to truly informed ancillary therapy, that for a number of people this is critical. The intention will be to publish anonymized data from this study to benefit all subjects with GDD. Dr Miller informs me that 120 subjects should be enough, I would prefer a considerable number more. This may reflect how many studies he is prepared to analyze at no charge.


Richard Semelka, MD

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