
Jul 10, 2019
Similarities between the Influenza Pandemic and GDD
For many reasons the Influenza Pandemic of 1918-1920 (an H1N1 strain), known colloquially as the Spanish Flu, is a remarkably fascinating...

Jan 2, 2019
Gadolinium Deposition Disease (GDD): What's In a Name?
Since the start of my calling Gadolinium Deposition Disease (GDD), Gadolinium Deposition Disease, there has been dissension to that term....

Nov 12, 2018
Glove and Sock Distribution of Gadolinium Deposition Disease
The main feature shown with NSF has been disease distribution that primarily affects the lower arms and hands, and the lower legs and...

Sep 4, 2018
Warning Symptoms of GDD to Tell You Not to Get More GBCA- Enhanced MRIs
In a few of my blogs, and in discussion with many sufferers, it is clear that a sizable percentage of GDD sufferers had developed...

Aug 20, 2018
Gadolinium Deposition Disease Incidence and Comprehensive Treatment
Below is my current thinking on GDD incidence and a comprehensive treatment: 1. probably many cases of GDD-type symptoms spontaneously...

Jul 6, 2018
Primer on Safety of Imaging Studies: There may be scarier things under the imaging bed than GDD
Many sufferers have called for informed consent prior to administering GBCAs for MRI studies. This may not be an unreasonable request at...

Jun 25, 2018
Understanding the Relevance of Research Studies for GDD
This question comes up frequently with Gadolinium Deposition Disease sufferers and the reading of the literature on gadolinium....

Jun 22, 2018
Gadolinium Deposition Disease: To Treat or Not To Treat. That is the Question.
What should be clear to sufferers of GDD, although there is now a disease that is recognized, at least by a number of health care...

Jun 14, 2018
Ligands/Chelators and Gadolinium Deposition Disease (GDD)
Much of my thinking regarding ligands/chelators and GDD are based on the early work that MR contrast agent companies, especially...
Jun 7, 2018
Protein Abnormalities in GDD
There are a number of publications that have reported on protein abnormalities in the setting of gadolinium (Gd) toxicity. Specifically...