
Jul 14, 2024
HOPO and DTPA. Discussion of Chelators.
The symptoms of GDD are relatively consistent between all Gadolinium contrast agents, regardless of how stable they are or their primary...

Jun 29, 2024
Beethoven's Hair: Almost 100 fold greater Lead content than normal and several fold higher of Arsenic and Mercury. Cause of his Deafness and other Ailments.
In 1824, at the age of 53, Beethoven helped conduct the premiere of his 9th and final symphony in Vienna. He was totally deaf, which...

Jun 17, 2024
Heavy Metal Testing. The importance of performing both pre- and post-intervention evaluations... and other critical points.
Heavy metal testing in general should be performed as both pre-intervention testing, preferably within a few days prior, and...

Apr 24, 2024
Zeolite for GDD sufferers. May not effective for Gd, but its role for other heavy metals in a matrix of Multi-Metal Toxicity may make taking it worthwhile.
Zeolite is a volcanic mineral and is sold both as natural and man-made forms. The type of Zeolite that has been studied and shown to be...

Apr 14, 2024
It started out with GDD, and it ended up like this: Mixed Metal Deposition Disease. Chelation and Diet.
My journey began with Gadolinium Deposition Disease (GDD). With further investigation and attention to detail I realized, that GDD was...

Apr 12, 2024
Lead Toxicity is Lead Deposition Disease. Optimal treatment is identical to GDD: iv DTPA with steroids/AH. Effective oral chelator (?HOPO) would be the most ideal, based on how lead entered the body.
Lead toxicity is Lead Deposition Disease (LDD or PbDD). Everyone in North America, and by extension almost everywhere in the world has...

Apr 2, 2024
Total body heavy metal burden. A concept that many practitioners of heavy metal treatment do not understand, but this is crucial
Total body heavy metal burden (TBHMB) is a concept that most practitioners of chelation and other heavy metal issues do not fully...

Mar 31, 2024
GDD, revisiting Flare, Gd removal, combining chelators, and other issues.
It is often useful to revisit important concepts, and also with some modernization/ improvement of the writing. This is a short review on...

Feb 22, 2024
Gd, other heavy metals, understanding re-equilibration, new reporting 'uncaging' a genetic or developed defect/
Many ideas I get for new blogs come from conversations with sufferers. Some of these reflect that points I have made previously are worth...

Jan 16, 2024
Metal Interactions in GDD (and other conditions). Particle disease. Introducing Galvanic Corrosion.
In earlier blogs I have described various occurrences in the setting of Gadolinium Deposition Disease, including: Gd and other retained...