
7 days ago
Adverse effects from DTPA? DTPA is widely used in many medical applications because of its intrinsic safety. But like every drug that is effective, it has to be used thoughtfully.
I get the question about the safety of DTPA frequently, This is a recent short response I gave to an individual. I will also expand on...

Feb 22
Gadolinium is evident in neurons. Description of overall deposition in brain and presence in other cells.
I have written in a number of blogs my opinion of the presence of Gd in various tissues. I have emphasized that the presence in actual...

Feb 21
GDD and underlying Epigenetics and Inflammogens. A new investigation together with Functional Genomics Analysis. Contact Dr Semelka if interested.
Together with Sean McCloy MD, MPH, we delivered a major presentation on GDD and therapy at the recent annual meeting of the American...

Feb 17
Connective Tissue Dysregulation. Varying patterns evident in GDD.
Skin and subcutaneous tissues together form a major organ which stores Gd, and therefore also suffers the consequences of GDD and...

Feb 8
DTPA is back in stock at Golden State Medical Supply
This is to let people know that DTPA has arrived at Golden State Medical Supply. Golden State is the world-wide distributor for the...

Feb 8
Is chelation really just a snow globe? We shake the Gd up, but it all just falls back and some lands somewhere else.. like your brain. Chelation is a snow globe hollow kettlebell.
Who doesn't like a snow globe.. You shake it up, small bits of white scatter around and then lie back down on the Statue of Liberty or...

Feb 2
Gd chelation, too much and too quickly. How to get out of the Gd downward spiral of Removal Flare and Re-equilibration Flare. Another Goldilocks pinciple.
Perhaps one of the most important principles of all, is the Goldilocks principle: Not too much, not too little, just right. True of...