
Aug 28, 2024
Show me the Gd. Where is the Gd located.
The article by Brent Wagner's team "Safety of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast agents" in Frontiers in Toxicology, the same issue in...

Aug 25, 2024
Dishonesty in Medicine. This comes in many forms.
One of my favorite quotes from Shakespeare is " a man can smile and smile and be a villain still". It is maybe self-evident but...

Aug 24, 2024
Importance of Ramping up (Escalating) and Cooling down (Tapering) in Treating GDD.... and everything else in life. Critical for individuals with multiple GBCA injections and GDD.
Intuitively we understand this in exercise, you start with warming up and when you are finishing you cool down. Also it is clearly...

Aug 22, 2024
Magnesium, a recommended supplement for GDD especially to accompany chelation.
I usually wait to hear from at least 3 credible individuals (usually I wait for physicians, or other health care workers) before I...

Aug 21, 2024
Gadolinium Deposition Disease has achieved more peer-reviewed evidence of the full range of demographics, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention, than NSF and the majority of other diseases.
In case you weren't paying attention, the entity Gadolinium Deposition Disease has now achieved more evidence of its existence than NSF,...

Aug 20, 2024
Acute Hypersensitivity Reaction (AHR)/ Gadolinium Deposition Disease (GDD) / Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis. A brief revisit.
Acute hypersensitivity Reaction (AHR)Â primarily involves Mast Cells, GDD primarily involves tissue resident T memory cells, and NSF...

Aug 18, 2024
There is an art and a science to chelation therapy, but without the science it can be quackery.
It is true of everything in medicine, and in fact many have reflected how practicing good medicine is an art based on science. Chelation...

Aug 13, 2024
CNS involvement in GDD. The dangers of under-reaction and over-reaction. The truth, the correct reaction, lies in the middle.
A number of blogs I write are a response that can best be described as putting out a fire. They come as a response to hysteria stimulated...

Aug 8, 2024
CSF leaks. Are the supposed CSF leaks that the site of leak is undetected (cryptic CSF leak) actually something else.... like GDD. Same with Pott's Syndrome
CSF leaks have become a popular diagnosis over the last 5 years or so, as a cause for chronic head-aches. The classic symptoms of CSF...

Aug 7, 2024
Severe Flare following chelation. A revisitation.
Considering how complex the whole concept is of metal deposition, the various repositories in the body and their varying durability of...