
Dec 30, 2023
DTPA chelation. Does it just stir up Gadolinium? Mainly no, but a little yes- but this can be beneficial.
Does chelating Gd just stir up Gd? No, and a little yes, but carefully thought out chelation manages this to positive effect. There...

Dec 22, 2023
HOPO and DTPA. Initial Thoughts on Comparisons and Regimen for HOPO.
DTPA is a straight cation exchanger: exchanges Ca or Zn with Gd, in whatever form Gd is bound to. However my opinion is that the stablest...

Dec 20, 2023
Risk Benefit Analysis for Possible Prostate Cancer with Discussion of How to Manage a GBCA injection
This is another example fo a risk benefit analysis. Also how I manage this type of analysis I tell people what I would do in their...

Dec 19, 2023
Meaningful Informed Consent. The 4 crucial pillars it is formed on. All 4 must exist.
More dialogue on informed consent in response to an inquiry: 4 pillars are essential. A few things. MDs in Radiology are called...

Dec 17, 2023
Mass-murderers-in-waiting. See something. Say something. Do something. The inextricable Conundrum
Recently, with all the national and international turmoil related to many tragic scenarious, principally the Israel-Hamas conflict,...

Dec 16, 2023
Informed Risk/Benefit Analysis. Real world example. A 3D chess game of expert knowledge.
I really liked the tv series The Queen's Gambit. The story of a young woman's incredible ability to play chess, and especially how they...

Dec 14, 2023
Gadolinium-Induced Psychosis. An important, one of many, forms of cognitive impairment.
There are numerous patterns of brain dysfunction observed in GDD. Brain Fog is the most common form described and is primarily a...

Dec 9, 2023
Brain Fog. Hypothesis for COVID Long Haul. Also true for GDD?
A recent paper has formulated a hypothesis for Brain Fog due to Covid Long Haul. As I have mentioned in prior blogs, that it is wise to...

Dec 5, 2023
Severe Acute Hypersensitivity Reaction (AHR) immediately following GBCA. Instructions to a patient.
The below is instructions that I have just now provided to an individual who contacted me on my website. The general instructions in...

Dec 4, 2023
GadTTRAC. Nonprofit created to benefit sufferers of Gadolinium and other metal toxicities.
I founded GadTTRAC, acronym for Gadolinium and other heavy metal Treatment, Teaching, Research, and Advocacy Center a few years back with...