
Sep 28, 2023
GDD two-step: MRI with GBCA in close timing to CT with Iodine Contrast. Possible mechanisms.
The relationship between CT with iodine contrast in close proximity to MRI with GBCA and developing GDD, has been a subject I have...

Sep 21, 2023
Gadolinium, and Other Heavy Metal Testing for Deposition Disease. Easy, Cheap, Safe (if done right).
I was just sent an article on the death of Brittany Murphy from the LA Times by a colleague , that part of the issue was the cause of her...

Sep 15, 2023
Risk of Getting GDD from GBCA. Patient Characteristics. Comp Radiation risks CT
In earlier writings I have provided my estimate for GDD for all comers who undergo MRI with GBCA injection: 1 in 10,000 for mild GDD, and...

Sep 12, 2023
When Have You Had Sufficient Chelation for GDD? Listen to What Your Body is Telling You.
The most obvious and crucial example of paying attention to your health is the thirst mechanism. We all consciously/ subconsciously...

Sep 5, 2023
People Generally Don't Do Things That Go Against Their Self-Interest
The quote most often used to describe this psychological behavior is from Upton Sinclair : It is difficult to get a man to understand...