
May 31, 2021
Heavy Metals in the body. Transient Presence, Retention, and Durability of Retention (Deposition)
Heavy metals in the body turns out to be an entire field of science/medicine, and we are just now scratching the surface. I came to...

May 17, 2021
DTPA Chelation Therapy with Ancillary Treatment. Evaluation of Results. May 2021.
There are two elements to treatment for GDD (and actually all of the heavy metal Deposition Diseases) 1. remove the heavy metal, and 2....

May 16, 2021
DTPA chelation protocols May 2021.
The standard chelation strategy we use, also from the start of our clinical efforts is: Ca-DTPA day 1, Zn-DTPA day 2. We use a more...

May 15, 2021
The Inertia of Despair. One of Great Tragedies of GDD. The Glow of Recovery. Successful Treatment
Two of the most motivated sufferers I know have told me, if someone really wanted to get treated, they would do whatever they had to do...

May 12, 2021
Metal Deposition Disease and Storage Condition States.
I have been asked on a number of occasions why do I use the terms Gadolinium Deposition Disease and not Gadolinium Toxicity or Gadolinium...