Jan 29, 2021
Circumstances for pain development and other symptoms (eg: brain fog) in GDD
There are 6 principal circumstances that generate pain and other symptoms (such as brain fog) in GDD sufferers. 1. entry of Gd into...
Jan 25, 2021
GDD Treatment: Multiple DTPA Chelations and Spacing, Identical Concept to Antibiotic Therapy
Multihance as a single agent lifetime exposure may be the best agent to suffer from GDD with - in many respects for similar reasons that...
Jan 9, 2021
GDD and COVID Vaccine?
The first point I want to make is that vaccines in general have been incredibly important for the health of humanity. The obvious example...
Jan 8, 2021
Immune Tolerance
Immune tolerance is essentially the opposing immunologic circumstance as immunological me mory, the latter I have previously blogged on....